Beginning on the first day of school and ending on the last day of school, students must be in full uniform. Articles of clothing must be labeled with the student’s name. School uniforms and sweaters must be purchased through the following company:
Flynn & O’Hara – North Plaza Shopping Center
8868 Waltham Woods Road
Parkville, MD 21234
(410) 828-4709
Used Uniforms are also available for purchase through the HSA. Contact at useduniforms@ssschool.org
Order your school uniforms here.
Regular School Uniform – Boys – Grades K -8
- khaki uniform pants
- white shirt, dress type (Kindergarten wears maroon polo all year purchased from Flynn & O’Hara only)
- maroon tie grades 1-5, maroon striped tie grades 6-8
- mandatory school shoe, tan suede buck with red rubber sole, grades K-5 have another shoe option (Merrell Brown Jungle Moc)
- grades 6-8 acceptable SPERRY shoes are the SPERRY Billfish or Gamefish for boys
- maroon sweaters with school monogram- v-neck cardigan, v-neck pullover, crew neck cardigan, crew neck pullover.
Regular School Uniform – Girls
Grades K – 5
- Plaid uniform jumper
- White blouse with Peter Pan collar -long or short sleeves, no logos or monograms
Grades 6 – 8
- Plaid skirt- skirt length must at least touch the knee
- White blouse with oxford, pointed, or Peter Pan collar
- SPERRY BlueFish and Koifish for girls (grades 6-8)
All Girls, Grades K – 8
- White crew socks, maroon knee highs
- Plain opaque black leggings
- Mandatory school shoe, tan suede buck with red rubber, grades K-5 have another shoe option (Merrell Brown Jungle Moc)
- Maroon sweaters with school monogram- v-neck cardigan, v-neck pullover, crew neck pullover – crew neck cardigan
Warm Weather Uniform – Boys and Girls – Grades K – 8
The warm weather uniform may be worn in place of the regular school uniform from beginning of school to October and April through the end of the school year.
- Khaki walking shorts worn with brown or black belt (boys except for Kindergarten), Khaki walking short or skort (girls)
- Maroon polo shirt with school monogram only
- White Crew socks (boys & girls)
- Maroon Knee High socks (girls)
- Mandatory school shoe, tan suede buck with red rubber sole
Physical Education Uniform – Boys and Girls – Grades K -8
The physical education uniform is worn to school on P.E. days.
- Maroon shorts with school logo
- Gray T-shirts with school logo (short and long sleeve options)
- Gray sweat shirts with school logo and maroon pants
- Tennis shoes- All Phys. Ed. shoes must be tied or velcro – no slip-ons -safety issue
Uniform for Boys and Girls – Pre-K 3 & 4
- Maroon shorts with school logo
- Gray T-shirts with school logo (short and long sleeve options)
- Gray sweatshirt with school logo
- Maroon sweatpants
Please see the Student Dress Code for specific details of uniform requirements.