Middle School (6th-8th) at St. Stephen School
Students in grades 6th–8th learn in a departmentalized setting taught by teachers who specialize in particular subject areas. A cross-curricula team approach is used in our middle school program.
Students learn time management skills, note-taking skills, gain self-confidence and ultimately are prepared in every way for quality high schools. In middle school, students move to separate classes for instruction by subject specialists. Middle school students continue to pursue accelerated curricula in math, science (laboratory courses), and English. Technology integration is achieved through project-based learning. In language arts, students learn to apply and refine writing, critical thinking and analytic skills across academic studies.
St. Stephen School: Middle School By The Numbers
Total Number of Students
Student to Teacher Ratio for Math, ELA, Social Studies, and Specials
Different Zip Codes Represented
Sports Programs To Choose From
Extracurricular Activities & Clubs To Participate In
Subject Areas
As a Catholic School in Kingsville, MD, St. Stephen School is dedicated to preparing our middle school students for success in high school and beyond through a comprehensive departmentalized academic program. In a departmentalized setting, middle school students benefit from specialized instruction in subjects such as religion, math, and English language arts.
In religion, our students follow the Archdiocese of Baltimore’s curriculum, instilling values and a strong sense of community. In math, middle school students delve into advanced mathematics concepts, preparing them for the challenges of high school-level math. The English language arts program nurtures curiosity, promotes critical reading and writing skills, and enhances vocabulary development, equipping students for academic excellence.
In addition to these core subjects, our middle school students are introduced to captivating subjects like science, technology, and the arts, building upon their strong foundation. This departmentalized approach ensures that students are well-prepared for the academic rigors of high school and beyond. For a detailed overview of each subject, please explore the toggles below!
Program Overview
In the middle school Religion program, students study the Old and New Testament. They also explore personal and communal prayer, Church history, and social justice issues to identify their place in the Catholic community. Students participate in cooperative group activities, artistic interpretations, service projects, and liturgical celebrations. Parish preparation for the sacrament of Confirmation begins in seventh grade and culminates with the celebration of the sacrament in the spring of the eighth grade year.
The humanities at this level consist of an inclusive program ranging from ancient civilizations through current social justice issues. The course of study includes World History in sixth grade and U.S. History in seventh and eighth grades. Current events help students make connections between the present and the past. Creative expression is cultivated through poetic, artistic, and dramatic responses. Students can conduct independent research utilizing the resources of the library media center and the Internet. Information is processed through formal writing assignments. The utilization of literary works compliments the content of the social studies program. The literature program includes the study of various genres and themes. Vocabulary, including the study of word origins and structural analysis, is an important component of instruction at this level.
The Mathematics curriculum offers small group instruction. Students study general math, Pre-Algebra, Algebra, and Geometry. Problem solving strategies are developed in each area. Calculators, drill and practice, math software, and manipulatives provide models for all styles of learning.
Earth, life, and physical sciences are studied. Software, labs, and models provide visual and tactile experiences. The science program encourages students to use the scientific method to explore and research areas of interest.
The middle school curriculum also includes Library, Art, Spanish, Computer, Music, and Physical Education.
Students interact with the parish community in social activities, service, outreach, and extracurricular activities to enhance their total development.
“Bringing Good News” is the Archdiocese of Baltimore Religion Curriculum for Elementary Schools. This standards-based curriculum serves as a guide, a road map for both teachers and students as they embark on a journey, which will provide them with the knowledge and understanding of the faith as witnessed in the teachings and the traditions of the Catholic Church. The curriculum is built on the Six Tasks of Catechesis: Promoting Knowledge of the Faith; Liturgical Education; Moral Formation; Teaching to Pray; Education for Community Life; and Missionary Initiation and is aligned with the Assessment of Catholic Religious Education (IFG:ACRE).
By the completion of sixth grade, students will master a variety of skills including:
- Explain that at the end of time, Christ will return and we will be held accountable for how we responded to the gift of faith and helped to build the Kingdom of God.
- Trace the unfolding of God’s revelation through the history of the Chosen People ‐ the Jews.
- Describe each of the seven sacraments as entrusted to the Church.
- Indicate how the Decalogue relates to current moral issues and leads to greater understanding of the Gospel through the Great Commandment.
- Discuss evangelization as central to the mission of the Church in which we all have a role.
By the completion of seventh grade, students will master a variety of skills including:
- Recognize that the Bible has both divine and human authorship initiated by God to reveal the truths God intends.
- Investigate the fruits of the Sacrament of Baptism to include forgiveness of all sins, birth into a new life, and a share in Christ’s three‐fold mission as priest, prophet, and king.
- Explain how a well‐formed conscience is developed through the knowledge of Scripture and Church doctrine as well as the witness of Church leaders and faithful role models, past and present.
- Explain the importance of Christians taking an active part in public life and promoting the common good.
- Discuss the call to religious life in the Church which is identified in two forms: active and contemplative.
By the completion of eighth grade, students will master a variety of skills including:
- Understand that Jesus’ paschal mystery, that is his life, passion, death, resurrection and ascension, are central to Jesus’ mission on earth and the fulfillment of revelation.
- Explain that the context of moral decision‐making within the Catholic Christian tradition reflects the values of human dignity, God’s grace, the virtues, the Holy Spirit, and the teaching of the church.
- Understand that our beliefs are sound and rooted in Apostolic Tradition and Sacred Scripture, as entrusted to the teaching office (Magisterium) of the Church.
- Describe the progress and continuation of the Church’s mission through ecumenical councils, including, but not limited to: the Councils of Nicaea and Chalcedon, Vatican I, Vatican II, Fourth Lateran, Trent, Constantinople, and Ephesus.
- Communicate that our respect of other Christians means that we can both recognize what we share in common but that we also need to be honest about how we differ.
English Language Arts
The English Language Arts Curriculum for the Archdiocese of Baltimore is designed using the Catholic, College and Career Ready clusters as its foundation. Through literature, this course of study fosters students’ Catholic identity, shaping them to be models of Christian living for others. This curriculum is fully integrated with our Catholic faith. We provide students with a curriculum that is rigorous and rich in literature, oral and written language, grammar, writing, vocabulary, informational literature, and multimedia/technology.
By the completion of sixth grade, students will master a variety of skills including:
- Use of the process in research writing.
- Use of the process in essay writing.
- Voice and tone in writing emphasized.
- More Focus in Fiction, Genre, and Literary Elements.
- Use of Grammar integration.
- Collaboration, oral presentations, speeches, and technology components incorporated regularly.
By the completion of seventh grade, students will master a variety of skills including:
- Students will be able to write routinely over extended time frames (time for research, reflection, and revision) and shorter time frames (a single sitting or a day or two) for a range of discipline-specific tasks, purposes, and audiences.
- Students will analyze the main ideas and supporting details presented in diverse media and formats and explain how the ideas clarify a topic, text, or issue under study.
- Students should demonstrate understanding of figurative language, word relationships, and nuances in word meanings.
- Students should acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and phrases; gather vocabulary knowledge when considering a word or phrase important to comprehension or expression.
By the completion of eighth grade, students will master a variety of skills including:
- Students use their knowledge of word origins and word relationships, as well as historical and literary context clues, to determine the meaning of specialized vocabulary and to comprehend the written word.
- Students read a good representation of narrative and expository text (e.g., classic and contemporary literature, magazines, newspapers, online information).
- Students write clear, coherent, and focused essays. The writing exhibits students’ awareness of audience and purpose. Essays contain formal introductions, supporting evidence, and conclusions.
- Students progress through the stages of the writing process as needed.
- Students write and speak with a command of Standard English writing mechanics including correct grammar and usage that is appropriate to this grade level.
The curriculum for all elementary schools in the Archdiocese of Baltimore include the following units:
- Counting and Cardinality
- Operations and Algebraic Thinking
- Measurement and Data
- Numbers and Operations in Base Ten
- Geometry
- Numbers and Operations
Catholic educators never forget that our schools exist to bring our students to Christ. By continuing to implement new standards that are challenging, we work to fulfill the promise of quality Catholic education that educates the whole child, both mind and soul.
By the completion of sixth grade, students will master a variety of skills including:
- Understand ratio concepts and use ratio reasoning to solve problems.
- Reason about and solve one-variable equations and inequalities.
- Represent and analyze quantitative relationships between dependent and independent variables.
- Solve real-world and mathematical problems involving area, surface area, and volume.
- Develop understanding of statistical variability.
By the completion of seventh grade, students will master a variety of skills including:
- Analyze proportional relationships and use them to solve real-world and mathematical problems.
- Use properties of operations to generate equivalent expressions.
- Solve real-life and mathematical problems using numerical and algebraic expressions and equations.
- Draw, construct and describe geometrical figures and describe the relationships between them.
- Use random sampling to draw inferences about a population.
- Investigate chance processes and develop, use, and evaluate probability models.
By the completion of eighth grade, students will master a variety of skills including:
- Know that there are numbers that are not rational, and approximate them by rational numbers.
- Work with radicals and integer exponents.
- Understand the connections between proportional relationships, lines, and linear equations.
- Define, evaluate, and compare functions.
- Understand congruence and similarity using physical models, transparencies, or geometry software.
- Understand and apply the Pythagorean Theorem.
In addition, advanced eighth grade students are offered a higher level course in Algebra. That course of study includes the following units:
- Relationships Between Quantities and Reasoning with Equations
- Linear and Exponential Relationships
- Descriptive Statistics
- Expressions and Equations
- Quadratics Functions and Modeling
Additional Subject Areas
The following subject areas are currently under revision across the Archdiocese of Baltimore, and if you would like more information regarding these standards and essential skills please contact the school directly.
- Science
- Instructional Technology
- Social Studies
- Visual and Performing Arts
- Physical Education/Health
- World Languages
Special Events
Middle school students at St. Stephen School in Kingsville, MD, actively participate in a variety of special events and programs. These include academic competitions, such as science fairs and math contests, as well as service projects to instill a sense of community involvement. Additionally, middle school students have opportunities to engage in extracurricular activities, such as music ensembles and sports teams, fostering a well-rounded educational experience.
Success In High School and Beyond
Scholarships, Finacial Aid, and Awards for the Graduates of 2024
Scholarships Awarded
In Financial Aid & Grants
Accepted into Their Top Choice for High School
Ready to Learn More About Our Catholic Middle School in Kingsville, MD?
Discover the excellence of St. Stephen School’s Middle School Program! Embark on the journey towards your child’s bright future. Contact us today to inquire or schedule a private tour. Explore the benefits of Catholic education, our comprehensive departmentalized curriculum tailored for middle school students, seamless technology integration, vibrant arts & music programs, exciting athletic opportunities, and engaging clubs & activities. Join us in shaping a well-rounded educational journey for your middle schooler at St. Stephen Catholic School!
Explore St. Stephen School Academics By Grade Level:




Middle School
Ready to Explore St. Stephen School?
Located in Kingsville, Maryland St. Stephen School is a private Catholic School for students in PreK-3 through 8th Grade. To learn more about our school community and the admissions process we encourage you to contact our Admissions team today.